Sabtu, 31 Mei 2014

The blends and code-mixing in english

1. It use when we want to combine two different kinds of words in order to make a new term of words. a. Radio detecting and ranging = Radar b. Geheime staatspolizei = Gestapo c. Political science = Polisci d. Dance Exercise = Dancercise e. Cellular Telephone = Cellphone 2. Code – mixing is term in English that used for combining the context of the meaning with the mother tongue/local languages to make it practical in use. a. Good morning, hari ini kita akan pergi ke bandung untuk refressing b. Hari ini saya free, kalau ingin bertemu hubungi saya c. On the way ke anyer bersama keluarga untuk mengisi liburan d. Belanja lebih heaving fun di Matahari e. Awali harimu dengan keep smile

Senin, 31 Maret 2014

Bahasa Inggris Bisnis 2

Nama : Rahayu Anggraini Kelas : 4EA03 Npm : 15210547 The first assignment Make your own ideas on how to develop your company profile by using the following : 1. Describe your passion on promoting your skills in your company I will influence consumers to purchase products that are sold in the company by way of explaining advantages and quality of products sold also good and interesting delivery. 2. Added your reason on why you could join that company. The reason why i could join this company because i'm more than 19 years old by now, and i'm graduated from Senior Highschool with science program. I speak an english language even just a bit. My height is 163 cm and weight 45 kg. I didn't used any glasses or contact lens. I'm pretty sure that my medically really fit to joining FA position. I have good personality, communication and maybe apperrance. 3. Describe your goals to be a good/ a responsible employee I will try to work as closely as possible to promote the company and I will be responsible for any job given to me.